Traveling Soon? Don’t Forget Your Teeth | Tacoma Dentist

Maintaining a regular oral hygiene routine can be challenging when you’re on the move. Whether you’re traveling for business or pleasure, it’s essential to keep up with your dental care. Barrett Family Dental, your trusted dentist in Tacoma, has put together some helpful travel tips to ensure your teeth stay healthy while you’re away from home.

Choose Wisely When Packing

When embarking on a long trip, make sure you pack enough toothpaste and floss. If space is limited, travel-sized products can be a great solution. Another convenient option is a disposable toothbrush, which typically takes up less space and won’t be a hassle if left behind. Some disposable toothbrushes even come pre-loaded with toothpaste. Remember to choose one with soft bristles to protect your gums. If you need recommendations, our dental team is happy to assist.

Keep Your Toothbrush Covered

Traveling exposes you to various germs, and shared surfaces can harbor bacteria. Using a toothbrush cover that slips over the head of your toothbrush can help protect it from germs that accumulate on sinks and nightstands, keeping it clean and hygienic.

Stay Hydrated with Water

Exploring new foods is one of the joys of traveling. However, consuming sugary or acidic foods and beverages can harm your teeth. Drinking water not only benefits your body but also helps your teeth. Water can wash away bacteria, neutralize acids that can damage enamel, and promote saliva production for a healthy mouth. Carrying a reusable water bottle can help you stay hydrated on your travels.

Don’t Forget the Floss

While brushing is crucial, flossing is equally important, especially when traveling. Always pack floss along with your toothbrush. A simple package of disposable flossers is convenient and can easily fit into your oral hygiene kit, ensuring you maintain your flossing routine.

Maintain Good Habits

Keeping up with your oral hygiene routine while traveling is essential. Brush twice a day for two minutes and floss daily. Though travel can be fun and sometimes stressful, prioritizing your oral health is crucial. Regular and thorough brushing, along with continued care from your dentist, ensures a healthy smile.

For all your oral health needs, please schedule an appointment with Barrett Family Dental, your reliable dentist in Tacoma. Contact our dental office today to ensure your smile stays bright and healthy, no matter where your travels take you.

Barrett Family Dental of Tacoma
Phone: (253) 572-6670
2520 N. Alder Street
Tacoma, WA 98406