Can You Overbrush? Insights from Barrett Family Dental of Tacoma | 98406 Dentist

Brushing your teeth twice a day is a fundamental part of maintaining good oral hygiene. Some people even brush after every meal, believing that more brushing means better oral health. But can you brush too much? At Barrett Family Dental of Tacoma, we want you to know that overbrushing can actually harm your teeth and gums.

What is Overbrushing?

Overbrushing encompasses both how frequently and how aggressively you brush your teeth. Brushing too hard or too often can lead to dental abrasion, increased sensitivity, and gum recession.

Dental Abrasion Dental abrasion occurs when mechanical forces from excessive brushing wear down the tooth structure. According to the University of Southern California Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry, this abrasion results in the loss of enamel and can even affect the softer dentin and cementum layers. You’ll notice signs such as shiny, discolored spots near the gum line or wedge-shaped indentations.

Tooth Sensitivity When enamel wears away due to overbrushing, the dentin layer’s nerve endings become exposed. This can lead to increased sensitivity, making your teeth react painfully to hot, cold, sweet, or acidic foods and drinks.

Gum Recession Excessive brushing can also cause your gums to recede. This exposes the softer cementum of the tooth root, making it vulnerable to wear and decay, and can result in discomfort and sensitivity.

Protecting Your Teeth from Overbrushing

If you experience dental abrasion or gum recession, it’s essential to seek treatment to prevent cavities and tooth loss. Depending on the severity, your dentist may suggest treatments like fluoride varnishes to strengthen enamel, tooth-colored fillings for abrasion, or veneers to cover exposed areas. For severe gum recession, a gum graft may be necessary to restore lost tissue.

Tips for Preventing Overbrushing

To prevent overbrushing and protect your dental health, follow these guidelines:

  1. Use a Soft-Bristled Toothbrush: Soft bristles are less likely to cause abrasion compared to stiff bristles. Choose a toothbrush that is gentle on your teeth and gums.
  2. Choose the Right Toothpaste: Avoid toothpaste with high abrasive agents. Opt for a fluoride toothpaste that helps strengthen enamel and prevents decay.
  3. Brush with Proper Technique: Avoid brushing too hard. If your bristles flatten or fray quickly, you might be applying too much pressure. Use a soft, circular motion and angle your toothbrush towards your gum line.
  4. Wait After Eating: Don’t brush immediately after eating, especially after consuming acidic foods or drinks. Wait at least 60 minutes to avoid damaging your enamel. Drink water or chew sugarless gum in the meantime.
  5. Avoid Harmful Habits: Refrain from using your teeth to open bottles, handle objects, or bite your nails, as these can also cause abrasion or damage.

Achieving a healthy smile is about using the right tools and techniques. At Barrett Family Dental of Tacoma, we’re here to guide you in maintaining optimal oral health. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and ensure your brushing routine is both effective and safe.

Barrett Family Dental of Tacoma
Phone: (253) 572-6670
2520 N. Alder Street
Tacoma, WA 98406